Monday, May 4, 2020

Flight Planning

Flight planning is essential during all operations as it lays out all of the tasks at hands and ensures that every individual of the crew knows their role exactly. There are a plethora of software that help crews plan out their operations including the DJI app or the Mission Planner Software. Ensuring that the mission is planned out accordingly will help keep the equipment, like the aircraft, and the crew/surrounding area safe and out of harms way as well as being able to tackle any obstacle or unforeseen event that may occur.

(Figure.1 Flight Route)
For this specific section I will be going over some components of the mission planner software and how it can help to make flight planning much easier. The Mission Planner software allows the user to manage every single aspect of the flight. It allows the crew to plan out the specific route that the aircraft will be taking during the operation. (Figure.1) This will ensure that there are no deviations and if there are deviations the pilot of the crew will be able to identify it almost immediately. Specific points can also be set along the route of the flight plan such as a stopping point or certain waypoints. These waypoints can be adjusted to have a specific altitude at each one. The software also allows the user to set up preflight checks. This will help the crew in setting up the operation and ensure that the aircraft is in peak condition to be able to fly. Alongside this, manual controls can be customized and the specifics like altitude and airspeed. Some of the sections in the software are listed below.

Simulation Screen: 
(Figure.2 Simulation Screen)
This screen allows the user to configure different options for the operation. Some of these include joystick setup, Telemetry rates, and video formatting. This screen is essentially available to increase quality of life functions for the program (Figure.2)

Mission Planner Configuration and Tuning:
This is the section that allows the user to configure the parameters on how the autopilot will function. It allows you to adjust how the aircraft will behave in the way you prefer. Some of the subsections include: The Planner that lets you set up options for how the Mission Planner will work. The Flight Modes Section allows the user to select specific flight modes for different scenarios before flight. The FailSafe screen lets the user adjust failsafe options in case of emergencies.

Aurrigo's Autonomous Dolly

Large airports see thousands of passengers every single day. Every passenger brings luggage on board with them every time they fly. In order to get this luggage from the terminal to the aircraft, dollies are used to transport large amounts of suitcases and bags at a time. These dollies are usually connected, 3 or 4 at a time, to a motorized vehicle that, once completely filled, will drive across the apron to the plane. This can be a very inefficient system once broken down. In order to eliminate this inefficiency, a company called Aurrigo has developed an autonomous dolly to transport luggage.

(Figure.1 Autonomous Dolly)
For a class regarding airport regulations, I was tasked with finding something that I found interesting that was occurring in the aviation industry. For this I chose this autonomous dolly. This autonomous dolly is a new innovation that allows for a new system of transporting luggage designed to be used at Heathrow. Currently, as stated before, vehicles with 3 to 4 dollies are attached together and moved the aircraft. "The current method is to have one manually driven tug towing three dollies behind. It can’t move until they are all full." This system can be inefficient because, for example, even if one dolly is completely full, the others cannot move to the plane. Heathrow operates over 900 traditional dollies every single day and sees 213,000 passengers come and go. The traffic is immense and traditional methods can be hindered by even the slightest of mistakes such as luggage falling off. To combat this, a dolly was designed to be able to carry luggage, once loaded, to the aircraft. This dolly is equipped with gps and lidar and is able to be paired with a specific plane to travel to. The dollies feature collision avoidance systems that will allow a plethora of them to be operating at a single time to ensure peak performance of the airport. (Figure.1) The dolly uses much of the same components that a drone uses for flying and collision avoidance systems.

This technology has immensely helped Heathrow manage their traffic every day. It has increased the safety of the apron by keeping less employees off of the runways and airstrip. If applied to other components in the world, this technology could help to improve the functionality and safety of many other things.

C-Astral Bramor PPX Operations Overview

The Vehicle:
The Bramor PPX is an unmanned aircraft that is specialized in remote sensing. The platform is a catapult launched/parachute recovery fixed wing equipped with a Sony RX1 RII 42 megapixel 35mm lens camera. It is also equipped with a PPK GPS. (Figure.1) Its wings span 7ft 6 inches and has a max takeoff speed of 10.8 pounds. It cruises at 16 m/s and has a stall speed of 13 m/s. The Bramor can fly for up to 3 hours at a time.

Flight Planning Software:
(Figure.2 C3P Software Screen)
The program used to operate the PPX is called C3P. This program allows the user to adjust any settings that may needed to be adjusted in terms of flight. The airspeed, altitude, landing point, takeoff point, rally point, etc can all be adjusted in this software. This is also where the flight plan will be made for the operation. It allows the user to set the pathing the aircraft will take during the operation and visually shows the pilot where the aircraft is along this path. C3P also allows the user to select things during autonomous flight such as releasing the parachute at an early time or even manually take control of the aircraft. This program is essential to flying the Bramor during an operation and allows the crew to have full control over everything that is going on. (Figure.2)

The preflight checklist is essential to follow to ensure that all components of the aircraft and its tools are set up properly. The checklist contains information on how to set up the catapult, the aircraft, the program, and how to launch the aircraft correctly. Setting up everything can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on the operation. The sensors also have their own checklist separate from the launch assembly and aircraft checklists. There are major sections of the checklist that must be followed in order. 1) Unpacking 2) Assembling 3) Preflight 4) Launch. 

Crew Roles
  • Pilot in Command
    • Ensures the safe operation of the aircraft
  • Sensor Operator
    • Ensures sensor operation
  • First Officer
    • Pre-Flight
      • Assists both PIC and SO with checklist completion
    • In Flight
      • Liaison between PIC and SO with checklist completion
      • Collects metadata
    • Post-Flight
The Bramor PPX is a complex aircraft that is capable of collecting large amounts of data very efficiently. Although it is a long process to get set up, once in the air it can complete operations with ease and get the necessary results. One scenario in which this aircraft would be exceptionally useful would be a search and rescue operation. Since the Bramor can fly for up to 3 hours, sending this aircraft in the sky to take photographs or pinpoint certain locations could be immensely helpful in finding someone in a situation where time is of the essence. Another scenario that would benefit from the Bramor is a forest fire. Since forest fires can spread very rapidly and usually start at a source, this aircraft would be useful in finding the location of the most intense parts of the fire and relay that information to the crews tasked with putting out the fires. Since this aircraft is catapult launched, being on the outskirts of the area out of the way of the fires will help keep the crew safe. Overall, when used in the right situations, the Bramor PPX can help teams in times of disaster when time is important or even help farmers plot out their land. Regardless of the operation, this aircraft is exceptionally well at collecting large amounts of data efficiently.

DJI Flight Simulator - Skills Training

The DJI flight simulator is a program that lets the user, with a controller for a mavic or phantom for example, control a virtual drone in dynamic scenarios. For AT 219, we were given three different training types to complete and score high enough on to pass. These training types consisted of different obstacle course style tracks to maneuver through and complete different tasks. These 3 training maps were meant to test our ability to control a drone in different situations. We were allowed multiple attempts of each one until we got a high enough score.

Tunnel Race:
(Figure.1 Tunnel Race)
The first was a tunnel race. This essentially was a long endless tunnel that we had to fly through. We had a time limit that started at roughly two minutes, and would count down. Inside this large tunnel were rings that, when flown through, would give us extra time onto our clock. The more rings you passed through the more time you received and the more points you got on the scoreboard. If you crashed into the edges of the rings, crashed into the walls or ground, or ran out of time, the challenge was over and you would receive a score. (Figure.1) The more points you got the more stars you received at the end. For this one we had to get at least 2 stars. This challenged us to be able to fly accurately at high speeds because the slower you went the faster you lost and the less points you got. It took a few tries to get the hang of the slightly different program than real life, but after that I was able to breeze through the levels. After a few minutes of flying through the basic rings, more rings appeared that would move. This raised the challenge of being able to accurately and safely change course depending on where the ring was moving.

Bubble Race:
(Figure.2 Bubble Race)
The bubble race was I think the most beneficial out of the 3 training's that we completed. This one featured a bridge like complex with platforms that contained bubble like orbs scattered throughout. (Figure.2) We were tasked with collected every last one without crashing. The turns and areas were very small and tight which prompted me to fail the challenge a multitude of times. However, I feel as though this one was especially beneficial because it taught quick and accurate maneuvering of the drone. Having an objective and ensuring we do not crash exactly mirrors how jobs/operations will be in the future at a job.

Time Trial:
(Figure.3 Time Trial)
The last training we completed was the time trial. This one set is on a long road on the country side and set waypoints along the road a good distance apart. We started on the ground and had to take off and follow these waypoints in order till we arrived at the finish line. (Figure.3) The speed at which we traveled through the waypoints was crucial because the sooner we got to the end the better. This one taught us to maintain speed and accuracy. Not as much as the tunnel race but it still tasked us with being almost as accurate. This one I felt was the least helpful as it seemed to be an introductory level challenge but overall it helped to practice situational awareness and know where to go after each waypoint.

History of UAS

Unmanned aircraft has been an interest since the early days of aviation. Whether it be for commercial or military use, drones have been designed and tested all the way back to the mid 1800's. Drones started off as early types of balloons and have only increased in technological complexity ever since. This is a general overview of the development of unmanned aerial systems throughout time in the response to many events and innovations

(Figure.1 Austrian Hot air Balloon)
One of the first ever occurrences of an unmanned vehicle in use is in 1849 when Austria used hot air balloons to bomb Venice Italy. (Figure.1) From this point balloons became the first platform for the development of drones. Soon after, these hot air balloons became useful for other militaristic purposes. During the American Civil War, hot air balloons were also used to gather and telegraph information about the other side. These hot air balloons were not accurate and they could not necessarily be controlled. They would be set on a course and let go. Alongside balloons, kites were also being used for the same purpose of gathering information in the Spanish American War However, on the other side of the spectrum, companies and individuals were designing and creating drones for non military uses. Nikolas Tesla created the first radio controlled toy boat in the same year. These were very early concepts for autonomy but they paved the way for the future.

(Figure.2 Kettering Bug)
Throughout the 1900's unmanned aircraft technology continued to grow as the aviation industry grew alongside it. Much like Nikolas Tesla's radio controlled boat, radio controlled toys peak the interest of consumers. On the military side, unmanned aircraft are seen as weapons. The flying bomb successfully flew autonomously to its target in 1917. In 1918, Orville Wright creates a drone known as the Kettering bug. (Figure.2) This was an experimental aerial torpedo that could be launched to its target at speed of up to 80 km per hour. As the 1900's continue, radio is being used more frequently and Reginald Denry creates a 9 foot radio controlled model airplane. In the second half of the century, balloons are seeing continued use WWII. At the end of the century DARPA launched the first satellite into space creating the first global satellite navigation system. The 1900's was a crucial time period for drone development. They saw mostly war related uses but the development of the technology was a key component in the drone industry we see today.

(Figure.4 DJI Phantom 4 Pro)
As the 21st century rolls around, drones are becoming more and more reliable and the technology behind them is stable. Ease of use functions will continue to be developed in order to make flying drones safer and more efficient. In 2006, DJI was founded in a dorm room of Honk Kong University of Science and Technology. This was the start of the most prominent company in the modern drone industry. In the next 14 years, DJI would continue to develop their drones. (Figure.3) Gimbals are being perfect allowing cameras to be stabilized and photography to be smoother. As drones become more and more common, DJI develops an obstacle avoidance and thermal scanning system to improve the safety of UAS in 2015. As the commercial side of unmanned aircraft is growing, the military side, while not as prominent, is continuing to advance as well. The CIA begins its research program and the predator program began as well.

Throughout history drones have developed quite rapidly. From balloons to the top of the line predator, drones have seen many forms and innovations over the past few centuries. Moving from large balloons to small handheld quad copters, as they continue to grow, new technology will emerge making them far superior to the ones before, much like they did from the 1800's until now. 

Collision Avoidance Systems (CAS)

UAS is an emerging industry in both commercial and military/government use. The implications of drones has been seen as immensely valuable and can save companies and enormous amounts of time and money. As drones began to develop in the early 21st century, many made sure to note the possible safety concerns and hazards that follow alongside autonomy. In response, collision avoidance systems have been developed and implemented to ensure that accidents occur far less than what was possible previously. CAS consist of two key components; sense/detect and collision avoidance. The details of each component as well as specific systems will be described below

Unmanned aircraft will be put into operations where conditions can change or unknowns will appear. These conditions were not planned for and therefore the platform is unaware of how to handle such situations. The key component of sensing and detecting possible collisions is to ensure the UAS can quickly gain knowledge of the possible danger and act at almost the same exact moment. There are multiple methods in which an aircraft can acknowledge possible threats and collisions.

  • Visual Sensors - These sensors generally come in the form of a camera that allows the aircraft to extract information regarding the obstacle or environment and process that information quickly. Much like human vision, these sensors are able to visually see the obstacle, relay the information to the main control (in this case our brain) and that in return acts accordingly. Visual sensors are often light and small and can be easily attached to a drone without sacrificing other aspects of the aircraft. There are some downsides to these cameras, however. Since these sensors rely on visually identifying objects and obstacles, they are susceptible environmental factors. Light, weather, and colors can all negatively affect the performance of these cameras much like they can all effect our vision. These cameras can sometimes easily mistaken dust particles on the lens as a hazard. On top of all this, their inability to determine distance can also be a large downside. However, this form of detection is deemed quite reliable and is used in many modern operations. (Figure.1)
  • Radar - This is another form of detection that is found on many modern vehicles that require sensing the environment. Radar can quickly scan areas and relay that information back to the control. Radar also does not require the object or obstacle to be directly in line of sight which can prove to give more positive results. This type of detection is also not as susceptible to environmental factors like visual sensors. However, radar is not used on unmanned aircraft due to its sheer size which drones are not able to withstand or contain.
Collision Detection:
Detecting a collision is the next step in CAS. Once the UAS receives the information it has obtained from the detection system, it must have the capabilities to know how to avoid it. This includes knowing aspects about the obstacle and turning that into movement or an action. This component also needs to understand if the object is even an obstacle that it must avoid and must be able to understand its surroundings to determine if CAS is possible. Below are a few possible collision detection types.
(Figure.2 Trajectory Calculation on OctoCopter)
  • Trajectory Calculation - (Figure.2) This type of collision detection takes into account the distance the obstacle is from the aircraft. The aircraft is set with a specific threshold that, if it dips underneath that threshold, will take action to avoid the object. 
  • Worst Case Estimation - This method determines the trajectory of the obstacle and lays out every possible trajectory it could possible have and choose the one most suited for the situation. This is the most reliable but not used because it is also quite inefficient.
  • Probabilistic Estimation - This method requires an immense amount of computational power and is inefficient because of it. It takes the probabilities of each path the aircraft could take and determines which one would be the most efficient.
  • Act As Seen - This essentially works hand in hand with visual sensors. Whatever the camera picks up as information and relays to the computer is used to determine possible obstacles. Whatever is visually available to the drone will be determined if it is a hazard.
When it comes to collision avoidance systems there are many different types and components that come into play. Depending on the type of operation and the specific platform that will be flown will help to determine what methods are best. Regardless of the method, collision avoidance systems help keep aircraft and others safe out of harms way. In today's society where autonomy is growing rapidly, perfecting CAS is crucial.

DARPA - 2007 Urban Challenge

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Grand Challenge is a competition that was started in 2004 in order to help push the research of autonomous vehicles. These challenges Tasked participants with designing and creating an autonomous vehicle to specific standards and requirements and have them compete in a certain challenge depending on the year. Specifically the one I will be talking about is the Urban Challenge in 2007. This challenge tasked teams with creating an autonomous everyday car that would obey all traffic regulations and negotiate with other traffic such as cars or obstacles.

(Figure.1 Map of the loops and Intersections used by Team Jefferson)
Many teams which consisted of college students from their respective schools created vehicles that would be able to drive by themselves through an urban area course while still obeying traffic laws. Since self-driving cars has been a buzzing topic ever since autonomy was first thought of, this challenge was created in order to push that specific field and gain information. Previously however, most research on self-driving cars has been conducted on a highway with little to not interaction with other vehicles. DARPA wanted to expand on this field of study and include other cars as well as every day obstacles that we would face if we had a self-driving car. The teams were given maps of different way points throughout the course so they could program the autonomy to drive to specific locations by itself. Team Jefferson wrote a paper identifying all the components and challenges they went through during the development process. Figure 1 illustrates one of the specific way points which was two loops with two intersections in order to test stopping at intersections, precedence at intersections, as well as blocking of path/rerouting. With these specific routes created, the autonomous vehicles uses lidar, gps, and a camera (Figure.2) in order to recognize its' surroundings. The vehicles were to be programmed to understand stop signs and stop accordingly, recognize obstacles in the way such as debris, as well as other competitors. 
(Figure.2 Diagram of one of the vehicles used and its components for autonomy)

Of the 11 vehicles entered into the competition, a little over half managed to actually complete the race. Many of the cars hit obstacles or crashed and the autonomous program was not able to recover or understand what to do in that specific situation. Tartan Racing, the team from Carnegie Mellon University finished first in the race and only averaged 14 mph throughout the race.Other vehicles had a similar speed throughout the race as well but no car drove faster. These results might seem frightening at first but when you look at the implications, 6 out of 11 cars were able to complete the course. While they may not have done it at record breaking speeds or as elegantly as we imagine self-driving cars to be, it does show that autonomy is possible. Technology is always advancing and makes way for not innovations. This challenge was conducted in 2007 when autonomy was in its early stages so imagine redoing this challenge today. The results would be much different. Overall, this challenge was not meant to show a high speed race but to push the industry of autonomy to the next level and make way for new innovations

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Pipeline Inspection

There are thousands of miles of pipelines underneath the surface of the ocean that are used to transport materials from one place to another. Specifically there are over 760 miles of pipes that stretch from Europe to Russia alone. Underwater operations are still underdeveloped in terms of the vehicles and the technology that we humans have at our disposal to safely and efficiently conduct maintenance and inspections on these pipes. We have managed to fly to outerspace and land on the moon but traveling underwater is still a field that raises many difficulties. Underwater unmanned vehicles, or UUV for short, have been designed and created for the purpose of combating some of the major issues we have with underwater operations.

Throughout our final paper for AT 219, we did a large amount of research into the topic of pipeline inspections using unmanned aircraft. While unmanned vehicles are mainly used for the inspection of pipes on the ground, I found that there is a specific field in which drones are created just to inspect the pipes that are beneath the surface of the water. From here, I did more research into some of the specific drones and tools that companies use for these inspections.

UUV are quickly overtaking manned operations for underwater pipe inspections. These underwater vehicles are able to quickly collect a vast amount of information and photographs for long periods of time. Before, many teams would go down underwater and try to inspect the miles and miles of pipes by sight or photograph. These new unmanned vehicles are able to travel at high speeds and take pictures of the pipes all while keeping the individuals out of harms way. (Figure.1)This saves companies an enormous amounts of time and money in the long run. There is a countless number of tools and technology that crews have at their disposal to conduct these inspections. UUV are equipped with high-definition cameras and laser profilers and, as mentioned before, transmit large amounts of data the the crew doing the inspection. Alongside this sonar (Figure.2) is used with the photographs to create a topographic map (Figure.3) of the pipelines which allows better inspection of the pipelines rather than just visually looking at it.

(Figure.1 UUV used for inspections)
(Figure.2 Sonar from UUV used to determine topography)
(Figure.3 Topographic map created from UUV inspection)

Underwater inspection of pipelines is a difficult and time consuming task that risks the safety of the pipes as well as the team inspecting them. With UUV, teams of less people can safely and efficiently inspect miles and miles of pipes in order to pinpoint damages or leaks in the pipes. With technology always evolving, this field of unmanned vehicles will only continue to grow, making these inspections even more efficient.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Crew Resource Management

Crew Resource Management was implemented in the 70's in order to clearly define the roles of each individual. CRM for short, eliminates hierarchy within operations and allows each individual to be aware of their specific role inside the team. An example of some key components of CRM is shown below in Figure.1. This, in return, ensures that each member of the operation knows exactly what to do in every situation which prevents accidents and keeps not only the crew but the surrounding area safe. This is crucial for any team but it is especially important for an aviation crew. In this case, a UAS operation.

As UAS grows and the commercial industry integrates unmanned aircraft into their operations, the need for CRM grows alongside it. For UAS operations, a standard operating procedure is the first thing that must be establish. This ensures that every member of the crew is aware of the plan of action as well as know what they will be doing in what order. It is important to note that these procedures should not be deviated from as doing so may result in miscommunication and in return an accident or injury. Alongside an SOP, identifying potential hazards is also important before beginning an operation. No two operations will be the same and every environment will inherently include different hazards and problems. It is important to identify all possible effects that the environment or surrounding area could have on the UAS or the crew itself. In doing so, the crew will be able to prevent or handle any problems that may arise and, as said before, prevent accident or injury. Environmental effects are not the only factor that can cause issues within an operation however. Fatigue is a topic that the FAA ensures pilots and operators are aware of. In the Flightcrew Member Duty and Rest Requirements document created by the DOT, the FAA states that "fatigue threatens aviation safety because it increases the risk of pilot error that could lead to an accident." (Figure.2) The importance of operating an aircraft or even a small UAS while well rested is important. Fatigue can cause the pilot to be unaware or have loss of reaction/motor skills. While the pilot may not realize they are under this effect, knowing how to identify these conditions can help to keep a safe operation.

(Figure.1 CRM Chart)

(Figure.2 Flightcrew Member Duty and Rest Requirements)

CRM, as stated previously, is immensely important to all operations in aviation. For UAS operations especially, it is important that each member knows the plan and is aware of their tasks. This will ensure that the operation runs as smoothly as possible without injuring a crew member, causing damage to the surrounding area or environment, or hurting an individual in said places.  

UAS Pipeline Inspection - Infrared Cameras

UAS has overtaken many inspection operations done by teams of people. The transition from human inspection to UAS inspection allows companies to maintain and repair their pipes safely and more efficiently. Since leaking oil/gas pipes can be very dangerous, UAS are able to photograph and inspect those pipes without putting an individual in harms way. One tool that companies use to gain information on damaged or corroded pipes is an infrared camera. These cameras allow the operator to visually see where the gas or oil is leaking from at a distance as to pinpoint its' location so a team can go in and repair it in a time efficient manner.

For AT 219, as a group, we were tasked with writing a paper about a specific topic in the UAS industry. For this we chose to do pipeline inspections since it is an emerging field that is still in its' early stages. After extensive research on the broad topic of pipeline inspections with UAS, I found that infrared cameras are more useful to these operations than I initially thought. Their uses are far more complex than simply monitoring the heat of the pipes. From this, I did more research into specific cameras and specific operations in which infrared cameras are used and found a multitude of different scenarios. 

Infrared cameras monitor the heat differences of the target it wants to analyze. The more heat emitting from the object the brighter it is in terms of the color scale. In this sense, the object that contains more heat will be a bright red or orange color. The less heat an object contains the darker it will be and in this case it is blue or purple. There is a spectrum of colors in between that objects will be depending on the amount of heat the object has. This can translate very well into pipeline inspections. Gas or oil leaks will naturally emit more heat than its surroundings. This allows the teams to quickly identify the areas of the pipe that is damaged and will allow them to repair it efficiently instead of walking and trying to visually identify the cracks. This helps tremendously especially in a place where pipeline inspection by UAS is crucial. Alaska is such a place that holds over 800 miles of piping from North to South. In such a cold environment, the heat signatures from the oil or gas leaks will be exceptionally visible to its surrounding areas not emitting as much heat. Underground piping also benefits from infrared cameras. When a pipe is leaking or damaged, the oil or gas will heat up the water underneath the surface of the earth and this will visually show above ground. (Figure.1) To do such tasks and make operations run smoothly. Many companies have created drones and different cameras that help tasks like the ones mentioned above. One such company is FLIR which makes a camera known as the Zenmuse XT Premium Aerial Thermal Imaging camera that is designed specifically for industrial uses. (Figure.2)
(Figure.1 Heat Signatures from underground pipes)
(Figure.2 Zenmuse XT Premium Aerial Thermal Imaging Camera)

Overall, thermal/infrared imaging can help tremendously to identify possible damaged pipes. In a job where time and safety is crucial, these cameras will help teams quickly find problems and fix them with out worrying about finding the exact location. There are numerous different cameras that can be used and some that will also allow the user to zoom in and look at heat signatures up close. All together, these cameras are the future of inspections, not only for pipelines but for other industries.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


LOC8 is an application that allows the user to choose a specific pixel of color and insert it into the program in order to pinpoint that color in images. This program is used for search and rescue operations, allowing the search party to choose, for example, the color of the subject's shirt and search it over hundreds of images. This can help immensely to speed up the process during an operation where time may be crucial. For this lab, a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt were selected and used to find them in a large area (hundreds of pictures).

(Figure.1 - Color selection in LOC8)
(Figure.2 - Blue jeans located)
Starting with the blue jeans, a color was selected from the pair and a template was made in LOC8. (Figure.1) This color was then run through all of the pictures from the target area. LOC8 would then circle every instance of this color in these images. After the program was done generating, all of the images were then shuffled through to locate the pair of blue jeans. Once the blue jeans were found, LOC8 lets the user zoom in very close to ensure that the subject is in the image. (Figure.2) After the blue jeans were found, the same process had to be completed for the black shirt. A color was chosen from the black shirt and the template was made. Unfortunately, after a long search, the black shirt was unable to be located. The start and end colors for the black were narrowed to try and pinpoint the black shirt more precisely but it was not effective.

LOC8 is a very useful program for search and rescue operations. With it, teams can easily pinpoint targets with the use of color bands from sample images provided. Finding the black shirt and blue jeans took an extended period of time and were very tedious. A single person going through hundreds of images would be very ineffective, especially during an operation where time is crucial. With a team of people looking through the images, LOC8 can be immensely useful in the process. 

Flight Planning

Introduction: Flight planning is essential during all operations as it lays out all of the tasks at hands and ensures that every individual...