Sunday, September 29, 2019

Infrared Cameras

Infrared cameras are very useful in distinguishing differentials in heat in the subject they are focused on. The camera is essentially a heat sensor that captures the levels of heat in an object and converts them to film or video image. These cameras are very useful in many unique situations. Search and rescue is a big one because the IR allows the user to distinguish survivors trapped in rubble considering they will give off a much higher heat signature than a pile of wood for example.

In class, the camera was used to compare objects in infrared to how someone would see them in person. The first object used was an empty coffee mug in IR to identify the temperature. (Figure.1) The coffee mug was captured in the range of 72.3-80.1 which is close to room temperature. The coffee mug that was captured in normal view (Figure.2) shows much more detail compared to the image in IR. Colors are actually visible and the grain on the table, for example, is actually distinguishable. Next, hot water was poured into the coffee mug to see how it would affect the temperature. (Figure.3) As expected, the video shows the hot water heating up the mug quickly to match the temperature of the water. As the container of water enters the frame, the mug in the background becomes darker. This is due to the fact that heat, in the case of IR is white, is oversaturated because of the difference in temperature from the mug and the container. When the water is poured into the mug, it starts to become more visible and detailed. Next, a picture was taken of a door with someone standing on the other side looking in through the glass in normal view. After that, the same picture was taken in IR. As seen in the images, the person is clearly visible in the normal view but in IR the person cannot be seen. This is due to the fact that IR cannot penetrate through glass.

Figure.1 (Empty coffee mug in IR) 
Figure.2 (Empty coffee mug in regular view)
Figure.3 (Door in IR)
Figure.4 (Door in normal view)

Infrared cameras are useful in distinguishing heat differences in objects. However, the details are very subpar. Cameras like these can be very useful in emergency situations such as floods and forest fires. The issue with IR cameras, however, is saturation. When an object with high heat enters the frame the rest of the image tends to be undersaturated while the object in focus is going to be oversaturated. This can cause issues when trying to capture scenery or large areas and there is an object that is very  hot and close to the camera. While recording the aircraft taxiing, the brakes of the aircraft were very light due to them heating up during startup but they did not cause the rest of the video to be undersaturated.

As shown in the picture above, IR can be used for a multitude of different purposes. They can be very helpful in many emergency situations as well as day to day operations. The use of IR cameras are becoming more and more popular as the technology gets better. Soon, cameras may be able to see through glass and pick up heat signatures through it.

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